Anu-Rag School of Music


Know About us

Anu-Rag School of Music is an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to educating children of Indian origin and Americans on both Indian Classical Music and Western Music, bringing commonality between Indian Classical Music and Western Music through “East Marries West” programs and exploring potential therapeutic values of Music for palliation of pain, reduction of anxiety and depression in cancer and in dementia patients.
Anu-Rag School of Music focuses on children ages 5-22 to set a stage for success in performing Indian Classical and Western Music either independently or in unison developing cross-cultures amongst children. Anu-Rag School of Music aims to support the musical aspirations of children including those who may not become full-fledged career musicians, but would perform at semi and professional level, promote Music and become ambassidors of Indian Classical Music in USA. The humble effort by Anu-Rag is to inculcate professional level of appreciation in building the bridge between Indian Classical Music and Western Music so that Americans correlate, appreciate and support both the Music cultures. The objective will be achieved through lecture-demonstrations, workshops in schools, performance with eminent artists from India and from USA.

Our History

Anu-Rag School of Music started 25 years back catering to the musical needs of the community, and it acquired non-profit status in 2015. Guru Sandhya Pandurangi is the President, Mentor and Teacher of Anu-Rag School of Music who is the All India Radio (Jalgao) approved artist and Mumbai Television artist. Her husband Dr. Raghu Pandurangi is a semi professional Tabla (percussion) artist who is a trained scientist in cancer drug development. Together, with the help from their daughters Amoolya and Ankita Pandurangi, they conduct all the programs for Anu-Rag School of Music.

Unmet Social Need

As millions of Indians immigrate to USA, most of them realize the lack of resources which were provided for them in their home country. It is always challenging to inculcate Indian culture in the children born to Indians in USA. Moreover, most develop passion for Western Music prevalent here. On the other hand, there are not many programs for local Americans to understand and appreciate Indian Classical Music which is one of the oldest cultures. The St Louis community needs education on understanding, appreciation of Indian Classical Music and correlation to Western Music.

Our Music Programs

Harmony Unleashed Elevate Your Soul with Our Diverse Music Programs

CCC - Children by Children for Children

This program identifies children in the age 12-23 who are capable of giving semi-professional or professional performances. Anu-Rag will assemble a correct team of performers of both Indian and Americans and provide a platform for their performances. Anu-Rag will connect all talented children to assimilate ideas and present them in novel new forms with accompanied professional musicians.

East Marries West: Building the Bridge

This program brings professional musicians of high caliber in Indian Classical Music and Western Music to join hands and perform together.The commonalities and differential characteristics of both forms of Music will be demonstrated using variety of instruments.

Music Therapy

This program is at its infancy based on the clinical reports on how Music can be instrumental in bringing down anxiety, enhance peace of mind and reduce the stress. Currently, Anu-Rag School of Music demonstrates the feasibility of concept on cancer patients in collaboration with Cancer Care Community, St Louis. The testimony by patients is positive for us to expand the program, primarily to relieve stress and make them feel important through Music

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